"The Creation of Light" (121kb) (Genesis 1:3) (1.3MB)
"The Formation of Eve" (139kb) (Genesis 2:21-22) (1.6MB)
"Adam and Eve Driven Out of Eden" (152kb) (Genesis 3:24) (1.6MB)
"Cain and Abel Offering Their Sacrifices" (138kb) (Genesis 4:3-5) (1.6MB)
"The Death of Abel" (142kb) (Genesis 4:8-9) (1.6MB)
"The World Destroyed by Water" (153kb) (Genesis 7:24) (1.7MB)
"The Deluge" (145kb) (Genesis 8:3-4) (1.6MB)
"The Dove Sent Forth from the Ark" (140kb) (Genesis 8:11) (1.6MB)
"Noah Cursing Canaan" (154kb) (Genesis 9:24-25) (1.6MB)
"The Confusion of Tongues" (119kb) (Genesis 11:6-8) (1.4MB)
"Abraham Journeying into the Land of Canaan" (95kb) (Genesis 12:1) (1.0MB)
"Abraham and the Three Angels" (100kb) (Genesis 18:9-10) (1.1MB)
"The Flight of Lot" (115kb) (Genesis 19:24-26) (1.4MB)
"The Expulsion of Ishmael and His Mother" (99kb) (Genesis 21:14) (1.2MB)
"Hagar and Ishmael in the Wilderness" (132kb) (Genesis 21:17-18) (1.4MB)
"The Trial of Abraham's Faith" (107kb) (Genesis 22:10-12) (1.3MB)
"The Burial of Sarah" (114kb) (Genesis 23:19) (1.3MB)
"Eliezer and Rebekah" (150kb) (Genesis 24:16) (1.6MB)
"The Meeting of Isaac and Rebekah" (134kb) (Genesis 24:65-67) (1.6MB)
"Isaac Blessing Jacob" (153kb) (Genesis 27:29) (1.7MB)
"Jacob's Dream" (153kb) (Genesis 28:12) (1.6MB)
"Jacob Keeping Laban's Flocks" (125kb) (Genesis 29:20) (1.4MB)
"The Prayer of Jacob" (142kb) (Genesis 32:11) (1.5MB)
"Jacob Wrestling with the Angel" (148kb) (Genesis 32:24) (1.5MB)
"The Meeting of Jacob and Esau" (150kb) (Genesis 33:3-4) (1.5MB)
"Joseph Sold by His Brethren" (154kb) (Genesis 37:28) (1.6MB)
"Joseph Interpreting the Pharoah's Dream" (148kb) (Genesis 41:25-26) (1.6MB)
"Joseph Makes Himself Known to His Brethren" (153kb) (Genesis 45:1) (1.7MB)
"Jacob Goeth Into Egypt" (152kb) (Genesis 46:5) (1.5MB)
"The Child Moses on the Nile" (106kb) (Exodus 2:3) (1.2MB)
"The Finding of Moses" (121kb) (Exodus 2:6) (1.4MB)
"Moses and Aaron Before Pharoah" (143kb) (Exodus 7:10) (1.7MB)
"The Murrain of Beasts" (130kb) (Exodus 9:2-3) (1.3MB)
"The Plague of Darkness" (106kb) (Exodus 10:22) (1.2MB)
"The Firstborn Slain" (138kb) (Exodus 12:29-30) (1.5MB)
"The Egyptians Urge Moses to Depart" (144kb) (Exodus 12:31) (1.6MB)
"The Egyptians Drowned in the Red Sea" (133kb) (Exodus 14:27) (1.3MB)
"Moses Striking the Rock in Horeb" (124kb) (Exodus 17:6) (1.4MB)
"The Giving of the Law Upon Mt. Sinai" (126kb) (Exodus 19:18) (1.3MB)
"Moses Coming Down From Mt. Sinai" (153kb) (Exodus 32:15) (1.6MB)
"Moses Breaking the Tables of the Law" (146kb) (Exodus 32:19) (1.5MB)
"Return of the Spies from the Land of Promise" (153kb) (Numbers 13:27) (1.6MB)
"Death of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram" (156kb) (Numbers 16:32) (1.7MB)
"The Brazen Serpent" (156kb) (Numbers 21:9) (1.8MB)
"The Angel Appearing to Balaam" (150kb) (Numbers 22:23) (1.6MB)
"The Children of Israel Crossing Jordan" (111kb) (Joshua 3:17) (1.2MB)
"The Angel Appearing to Joshua" (150kb) (Joshua 5:15) (1.6MB)
"The Walls of Jericho Falling Down" (124kb) (Joshua 6:20) (1.5MB)
"Joshua Spares Rahab" (122kb) (Joshua 6:25) (1.2MB)
"The Stoning of Achan" (119kb) (Joshua 7:25) (1.4MB)
"Joshua Committing the Town of Ai to the Flames" (118kb) (Joshua 8:20) (1.4MB)
"Destruction of the Army of the Amorites" (128kb) (Joshua 10:11) (1.5MB)
"Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still" (113kb) (Joshua 10:13) (1.2MB)
"Jael and Sisera" (119kb) (Judges 4:21) (1.4MB)
"Deborah" (118kb) (Judges 5:7-9) (1.3MB)
"Gideon Choosing His Soldiers" (95kb) (Judges 7:7) (1.1MB)
"The Midianites Put to Flight" (89kb) (Judges 7:22-23) (1.0MB)
"Death of the Sons of Gideon" (108kb) (Judges 9:5) (1.3MB)
"Death of Abimelech" (126kb) (Judges 9:52-53) (1.4MB)
"Jephthah's Daughter Coming to Meet Her Father" (101kb) (Judges 11:34) (1.1MB)
"The Daughters of Israel Lamenting the Daughter of Jephthah" (91kb) (Judges 11:40) (1.1MB)
"Samson Slaying a Lion" (111kb) (Judges 14:5-6) (1.3MB)
"Samson Destroying the Philistines With the Jawbone of an Ass" (143kb) (Judges 15:15) (1.5MB)
"Samson Carrying Away the Gates of Gaza" (95kb) (Judges 16:3) (1.1MB)
"Samson and Delilah" (128kb) (Judges 16:17) (1.4MB)
"Death of Samson" (134kb) (Judges 16:30) (1.5MB)
"The Levite Finding the Corpse of the Woman" (110kb) (Judges 19:25-27) (1.3MB)
"The Levite Bearing Away the Body of the Woman" (114kb) (Judges 19:30) (1.3MB)
"The Children of Benjamin Carrying Off the Virgins of Jabesh Gilead" (123kb) (Judges 21:12) (1.4MB)
"Naomi and Her Daughters-In-Law" (91kb) (Ruth 1:16) (1.2MB)
"Boaz and Ruth" (129kb) (Ruth 2:22-23) (1.5MB)
"Return of the Ark to Bethshemesh" (99kb) (1 Samuel 6:13) (1.2MB)
"Samuel Blessing Saul" (114kb) (1 Samuel 9:21) (1.3MB)
"Death of Agag" (128kb) (1 Samuel 15:33 ) (1.4MB)
"David and Goliath" (139kb) (1 Samuel 17:50) (1.4MB)
"Saul Attempts the Life of David" (135kb) (1 Samuel 18:11-12) (1.5MB)
"The Escape of David Through the Window" (151kb) (1 Samuel 19:11-12) (1.6MB)
"David and Jonathan" (145kb) (1 Samuel 20:42) (1.5MB)
"David Showing Saul that He had Spared His Life" (149kb) (1 Samuel 24:10) (1.6MB)
"Saul and the Witch of Endor" (133kb) (1 Samuel 28:7) (1.6MB)
"Death of Saul" (152kb) (1 Samuel 31:5-6) (1.7MB)
"Combat Between the Champions of Ish-Bosheth and David" (142kb) (2 Samuel 2:15-17) (1.6MB)
"David Punishing the Ammonites" (122kb) (2 Samuel 12:31) (1.3MB)
"Death of Absalom" (177kb) (2 Samuel 18:9) (1.9MB)
"David Mourning the Death of Absalom" (152kb) (2 Samuel 18:33) (1.7MB)
"Rizpah's Kindness Unto the Dead" (145kb) (2 Samuel 21:9-10) (1.5MB)
"Abishai Saves the Life of David" (153kb) (2 Samuel 21:17) (1.8MB)
"Judgment of Solomon" (152kb) (1 Kings 3:25-27) (1.7MB)
"Cutting Down Cedars for the Construction of the Temple" (154kb) (1 Kings 5:5-6) (1.7MB)
"The Disobedient Prophet Slain by a Lion" (135kb) (1 Kings 13:24-25) (1.5MB)
"Elijah Raiseth the Son of the Widow of Zarephath" (123kb) (1 Kings 17:22-23) (1.3MB)
"Slaughter of the Prophets of Baal" (156kb) (1 Kings 18:38-40) (1.7MB)
"Elijah Nourished by an Angel" (134kb) (1 Kings 19:5-6) (1.3MB)
"Slaughter of the Syrians by the Children of Israel" (107kb) (1 Kings 20:29) (1.2MB)
"Death of Ahab" (130kb) (1 Kings 22:35) (1.5MB)
"Elijah Destroys the Messengers of Ahaziah by Fire" (130kb) (2 Kings 1:10) (1.5MB)
"Elijah Taken Up To Heaven in a Chariot of Fire" (129kb) (2 Kings 2:11) (1.5MB)
"The Children Destroyed by Bears" (145kb) (2 Kings 2:23-24 ) (1.5MB)
"The Famine in Samaria" (135kb) (2 Kings 6:25-26 ) (1.4MB)
"The Death of Jezebel" (129kb) (2 Kings 9:33) (1.5MB)
"Jehu's Companions Finding the Remains of Jezebel" (109kb) (2 Kings 9:34-35) (1.4MB)
"The Strange Nations Slain by the Lions of Samaria" (129kb) (2 Kings 17:25) (1.5MB)
"Destruction of the Army of Sennacherib" (140kb) (2 Kings 19:35) (1.5MB)
"Slaughter of the Sons of Zedekiah Before Their Father" (161kb) (2 Kings 25:7) (1.6MB)
"The Inhabitants of Jabesh-Gilead Recovering the Bodies of Saul and His Sons" (139kb) (1 Chron 10:12) (1.5MB)
"Plague of Jerusalem" (144kb) (1 Chron 21:16) (1.7MB)
"Solomon" (157kb) (1.6MB)
"Solomon Receiving the Queen of Sheba" (163kb) (2 Chron 9:1-2) (1.8MB)
"The Destruction of the Armies of the Ammonites and Moabites" (131kb) (2 Chron 20:22-23) (1.7MB)
"Death of Athaliah" (119kb) (2 Chron 23:13-15) (1.4MB)
"Cyrus Restoring the Vessels of the Temple" (150kb) (Ezra 1:7-8) (1.7MB)
"The Rebuilding of the Temple" (143kb) (Ezra 3:11) (1.6MB)
"Artaxerxes Granting Liberty to the Jews" (153kb) (Ezra 7:13) (1.7MB)
"Ezra in Prayer" (119kb) (Ezra 9:6) (1.4MB)
"Nehemiah Viewing Secretly the Ruins of the Walls of Jerusalem" (144kb) (Nehemiah 2:13) (1.7MB)
"Ezra Reading the Law in the Hearing of the People" (142kb) (Nehemiah 8:5-6) (1.6MB)
"The Queen Vashti Refusing to Obey the Command of Ahasuerus" (156kb) (Est 1:11-12) (1.8MB)
"Triumph of Mordecai" (150kb) (Est 6:11) (1.7MB)
"Esther Accusing Haman" (146kb) (Est 7:5-6) (1.5MB)
"Job Hearing of His Ruin" (141kb) (Job 1:20-22) (1.6MB)
"Job and His Friends" (140kb) (Job 2:11-13) (1.5MB)
"Isaiah" (117kb) (Isaiah 6:8-9) (1.3MB)
"Isaiah's Vision of the Destruction of Babylon" (128kb) (Isaiah 13:20-21) (1.3MB)
"The Destruction of Leviathan" (145kb) (Isaiah 27:1) (1.6MB)
"Jeremiah" (145kb) (Jeremiah 1:14-15) (1.6MB)
"Baruch Writing Jeremiah's Prophecies" (152kb) (Jeremiah 36:4) (1.7MB)
"The People Mourning Over the Ruins of Jerusalem" (149kb) (Lamentations 1:8) (1.6MB)
"Ezekiel Prophesying" (146kb) (Ezekial 1:3) (1.6MB)
"The Vision of the Valley of the Dry Bones" (162kb) (Ezekial 37:4-5) (1.7MB)
"Daniel" (147kb) (Daniel 2:20-21) (1.6MB)
"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the Fiery Furnace" (146kb) (Daniel 3:28) (1.7MB)
"Daniel Interpreting the Writing on the Wall" (158kb) (Daniel 5:5-6) (1.7MB)
"Daniel in the Den of Lions" (152kb) (Daniel 6:20-21) (1.7MB)
"The Vision of the Four Beasts" (108kb) (Daniel 7:2-3) (1.2MB)
"Daniel Confounding the Priests of Bel" (148kb) (1.6MB)
"Amos" (117kb) (Amos 1:1) (1.3MB)
"Jonah Cast Forth by the Whale" (133kb) (Jonah 2:1,10) (1.5MB)
"Jonah Preaching to the Ninevites" (150kb) (Jonah 3:4-5) (1.6MB)
"Micah Exhorting the Israelites to Repentance" (114kb) (Micah 6:7-8) (1.3MB)
"The Vision of the Four Chariots" (149kb) (Zechariah 6:1) (1.8MB)
"The Wise Men Guided by the Star" (140kb) (Matthew 2:1-2) (1.5MB)
"The Flight Into Egypt" (127kb) (Matthew 2:13-14) (1.5MB)
"The Massacre of the Innocents" (142kb) (Matthew 2:16) (1.3MB)
"The Sermon on the Mount" (170kb) (Matthew 5:7-10) (1.9MB)
"The Dumb Man Possessed" (155kb) (Matthew 12:22-25) (1.7MB)
"Christ in the Synagogue" (145kb) (Matthew 13:54) (1.6MB)
"The Daughter of Herod Receiving the Head of John the Baptist" (143kb) (Matthew 14:8-10) (1.7MB)
"Christ Feeding the Multitude" (158kb) (Matthew 14:19) (1.6MB)
"Jesus Healing the Sick" (152kb) (Matthew 15:31) (1.7MB)
"The Transfiguration" (137kb) (Matthew 17:2-3) (1.6MB)
"Jesus Healing the Lunatic" (161kb) (Matthew 17:14-15) (1.8MB)
"Entry of Jesus Into Jerusalem" (140kb) (Matthew 21:7-8) (1.6MB)
"Christ and the Tribute Money" (154kb) (Matthew 22:20-21) (1.7MB)
"Jesus Praying in the Garden" (160kb) (Matthew 26:40-41) (1.7MB)
"Jesus Scourged" (136kb) (Matthew 27:26) (1.6MB)
"Christ Mocked" (137kb) (Matthew 27:29-30) (1.4MB)
"The Arrival at Calvary" (126kb) (Matthew 27:33-34) (1.3MB)
"The Erection of the Cross" (159kb) (Matthew 27:35) (1.8MB)
"The Descent From the Cross" (144kb) (Matthew 27:57-58) (1.7MB)
"The Dead Christ" (143kb) (Matthew 27:59) (1.6MB)
"The Burial of Christ" (154kb) (Matthew 27:60-61) (1.5MB)
"The Resurrection" (148kb) (Matthew 28:5-6) (1.6MB)
"John the Baptist Preaching in the Wilderness" (155kb) (Mark 1:6-7) (1.7MB)
"The Baptism of Jesus" (135kb) (Mark 1:9-11) (1.5MB)
"The Disciples Plucking Corn on the Sabbath" (150kb) (Mark 2:23-25) (1.7MB)
"Jesus Stilling the Tempest" (142kb) (Mark 4:37-38) (1.5MB)
"Jesus Blessing the Little Children" (142kb) (Mark 10:13-14) (1.4MB)
"The Widow's Mite" (150kb) (Mark 12:42-43) (1.7MB)
"The Last Supper" (143kb) (Mark 14:22-24) (1.5MB)
"The Judas Kiss" (143kb) (Mark 14:45-46) (1.8MB)
"Jesus Falling Beneath the Cross" (136kb) (Mark 15:21) (1.6MB)
"The Ascension" (113kb) (Mark 16:19) (1.3MB)
"The Annunciation" (134kb) (Luke 1:26-28) (1.4MB)
"The Nativity" (147kb) (Luke 2:15-16) (1.6MB)
"Jesus With the Doctors" (159kb) (Luke 2:46-47) (1.7MB)
"The Temptation of Jesus" (134kb) (Luke 4:7-8) (1.5MB)
"Jesus Healing the Man Possessed With a Devil" (144kb) (Luke 4:36-37) (1.6MB)
"Jesus Preaching at the Sea of Galilee" (115kb) (Luke 5:3) (1.0MB)
"Mary Magdalene Repentant" (143kb) (Luke 8:2) (1.4MB)
"Jesus Raising Up the Daughter of Jairus" (130kb) (Luke 8:52-54) (1.6MB)
"The Good Samaritan" (128kb) (Luke 10:33) (1.4MB)
"Arrival of the Good Samaritan at the Inn" (161kb) (Luke 10:34-35) (1.7MB)
"Jesus at the House of Martha and Mary" (150kb) (Luke 10:41-42) (1.7MB)
"Jesus Preaching to the Multitude" (160kb) (Luke 12:29-31) (1.8MB)
"The Return of the Prodigal Son" (125kb) (Luke 15:17) (1.4MB)
"The Prodigal Son in the Arms of His Father" (155kb) (Luke 15:20-21) (1.6MB)
"Lazarus at the Rich Man's House" (149kb) (Luke 16:20-21) (1.6MB)
"The Pharisee and the Publican" (143kb) (Luke 18:11-13) (1.6MB)
"The Agony in the Garden" (166kb) (Luke 22:43-44) (1.8MB)
"The Crucifixion" (134kb) (Luke 23:34-35) (1.4MB)
"The Darkness at the Crucifixion" (154kb) (Luke 23:44-45) (1.7MB)
"Jesus and the Disciples Going to Emmaus" (129kb) (Luke 24:26-27) (1.5MB)
"The Marriage in Cana" (142kb) (John 2:5-7) (1.3MB)
"The Buyers and Sellers Driven Out of the Temple" (160kb) (John 2:15) (1.8MB)
"Jesus and the Woman of Samaria" (153kb) (John 4:13-14) (1.7MB)
"Jesus Walking on the Sea" (103kb) (John 6:19-20) (1.2MB)
"Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery" (158kb) (John 8:3-5) (1.7MB)
"Resurrection of Lazarus" (155kb) (John 11:41-43) (1.8MB)
"St. Peter Denying Christ" (157kb) (John 18:26-27) (1.7MB)
"The Crown of Thorns" (146kb) (John 19:2-3) (1.7MB)
"Christ Presented to the People" (137kb) (John 19:15) (1.6MB)
"Nailing Christ to the Cross" (154kb) (John 19:18-19) (1.7MB)
"The Miraculous Draught of Fishes" (141kb) (John 21:10-11) (1.6MB)
"The Descent of the Spirit" (141kb) (Acts 2:2-3) (1.5MB)
"The Apostles Preaching the Gospel" (137kb) (Acts 2:32-33) (1.6MB)
"St. Peter and St. John at the Beautiful Gate" (156kb) (Acts 3:6-7) (1.7MB)
"Death of Ananias" (144kb) (Acts 5:4-5) (1.6MB)
"Martydom of St. Stephen" (147kb) (Acts 7:59-60) (1.6MB)
"Conversion of Saul" (150kb) (Acts 9:3-5) (1.6MB)
"St. Peter the House of Cornelius" (142kb) (Acts 10:28) (1.7MB)
"St. Peter Delivered From Prison" (141kb) (Acts 12:7-8) (1.5MB)
"St. Paul at Ephesus" (146kb) (Acts 19:19) (1.7MB)
"St. Paul Rescued From the Multitude" (157kb) (Acts 21:34-35) (1.4MB)
"St. Paul Shipwrecked" (148kb) (Acts 27:43-44) (1.5MB)
"St. Paul Preaching to the Thessalonians" (146kb) (1 Thessalonians 2:11-12) (1.5MB)
"St. John at Patmos" (144kb) (Revelation 1:9) (1.5MB)
"The Vision of Death" (120kb) (Revelation 6:7-8) (1.2MB)
"The Crowned Virgin: A Vision of John" (124kb) (Revelation 12:1-3) (1.4MB)
"Babylon Fallen" (133kb) (Revelation 18:2) (1.2MB)
"The Last Judgment" (147kb) (Revelation 20:12) (1.6MB)
"The New Jerusalem" (150kb) (Revelation 21:1-2) (1.7MB)
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